General Information about Junior Kindergarten
Hand Writing Without Tears
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Conscious Discipline
Everyday Math
Letter People/Phonics
We are currently learning all the motions for our phonics train song....
A is for aa the sound babies make (make fist and rub eyes like baby) B is for baby (rock baby in arms) C is for cut (scissors with hands) D is for drum (pretend to play drums) E is for /e/ (the sound you make when you can't hear someone) F is for fan (spin finger like fan) G is for gulp (pretend to drink) H is for the sounds you make when you run (pretend to run) I is for itch (pretend to itch) J is for jump (pretend to jump rope) K is for kick (kick with fingers) L is for lick (like lollipop) M is for mmm (hand on belly) N is for neigh (like a horse) O is for opera (make O with mouth and point) P is for popcorn (flick fingers up like popping corn) Q is for queen (pretend to bow) R is for roar (hands in claws pretend to roar) S is for snake (move hand like snake) T is for tic toc (point down and move hand like clock) U is for up (make u with fingers at forehead and move up) V is for vacuum (fingers in V then move like vacuum) W is for wash (fingers in w and move on belly in circle) X is for the sounds you make when you sneeze (fingers in X in front of mouth) Y is for yawn (arms up in a y, pretend to yawn) Z is for zip (pretend to zip) |